Master Public Speaking: The Key to Consistent Client Signings and Business Growth
When you first open your business, you may be excited to sign clients.
So, you turn to social media, and say “I’m open for business and accepting clients”.
Yet, you only receive a few likes and zero comments. No one reaches out for your “free consultation”, and you already feel like a failure. Because, let’s face it- you only go to social media for dog videos and to see photos of your extended family. Why would you suddenly be able to sell on social media to your friends and family?
I was the same way when I started my company, Weightless. I spent entirely too many hours on Facebook (back in the day), Twitter (yes, before it was X), Pinterest (so fun to find recipes there!), Instagram (everyone is so pretty there), and now LinkedIn.
The truth is- you cannot beat an algorithm that is designed to make money for itself, rather than you.
In this article, I will share the power of public speaking to help you be seen and heard as an expert authority, so you can sign more clients confidently and consistently. All through a 60 minute signature speech.
A signature speech is not just any speech, and certainly not one you slap together the week before you present after reviewing your Powerpoint.
A signature speech is like a Ted talk that brands you and your business as the go-to solution for a problem. Plus, you get to invite your audience to take that next step with you, if they are willing.
Much like a Ted talk, this is a presentation that you practice until you can feel it in your bones, and can confidently deliver from any stage from 15 to 60 minutes long. This one presentation can fuel your business for years to come.
I know because public speaking was the reason behind creating my business, and has sustained my business for over a decade. You could say it was my first love.
Since I created my business, I have appeared on hundreds of stages (including international ones), podcasts, radio, TV, and major online publications. Every single coaching client who has worked with me heard me present my talk. While I have maintained a continuous presence on social media throughout this time, this is to support my public speaking appearances (not the other way around).
I became a certified speaker coach in 2022, and have been helping service-based businesses deliver powerful signature speeches on the right stages in front of their potential clients. Some of my clients went on to become international keynote speakers, best-selling authors who were featured in national media, and business leaders who quit corporate to launch their speaking journey.
A.I.R. stands for
As a newer business owner, you don’t have the luxury of spending years building an audience, and may not have a budget to purchase ads for greater reach.
Building an audience takes time. In the beginning of my business, I spent a lot of time attending business networking events, and participating in online groups in order to get my message out. These events took approximately 10-15 hours of my time every week.
I personally knew other coaches who joined upwards of 10 networking meetings to promote their business, from BNI groups to women in business groups to masterminds and Meetups.
As an introvert, I did not care for the larger, more promotion-heavy groups. As a coach, I found myself listening to others pitch their business without being able to get a word in edgewise. One of the hardest things to determine as a new coach is HOW to reach your audience, or even determine where your audience is.
I was spending all this time in front of the wrong audience.
Now imagine, you attend a meeting full of your potential clients that is hosted by a colleague, and they are introducing you as the expert in your particular field. How do you think your audience will receive your message now?
As a public speaker, you are promoted as an expert by someone who already has an audience. Even if they are not your ideal audience, delivering a speech allows the audience to know who to refer you to.
If you’re nervous about asking to get paid to speak, don’t worry. You can speak for free (often it will be called “visibility speaking”) and still be paid after you speak.
Ways you can get paid after you speak include:
As a new business owner, you may think that no one will pay for your expertise as a speaker.
Here is something you may not know:
It is ok to speak for marketing only (which means not asking for a speaking fee) as a beginner, and you can create an intentional path to also be paid as an expert speaker.
If you craft your signature presentation in the right way, you will motivate your audience to take action without sounding like a used car salesman. If you would like support on crafting a signature presentation, download the free Signature Speech template or schedule a complimentary call with me at
The speaking opportunities that are available today go beyond traditional stages. Many speakers are now turning to courses, YouTube, Instagram and video-based presentations.
Even if you have no desire to speak on a Ted stage, you may be considering whether to create Livestreams, host webinars or masterclasses, or share short videos on YouTube.
All of these speaking opportunities mean you ARE a public speaker! This also increases your potential audience from 5 to 500,000 (or more).
Here are some statistics that share just how important video content is to your potential reach. Video receives 3 times the engagement rate as written content on most social media platforms. Facebook and Instagram both prioritize video content through Reels and Stories over written posts. YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google (
That doesn’t mean you have to become an influencer or go viral to make an impact in your business.
Part of your content library as a speaker is video footage of you on stage in front of an audience. This is important so that event organizers can get a sense of how you show up as a speaker. Whether that is your stage or someone else’s, make sure you keep that footage of you for future speaking opportunities you apply for.
Video footage of your speaking is a great way to become more visible online. Several coaching clients I have interviewed through my non-profit work with the International Coaching Federation have told me that they booked clients from a single video posted to YouTube. I have also personally booked paid-in-full coaching clients from podcasts that were published in both audio and video formats.
Video speaking is not quite the same as speaking on stage. Folks often watch after you have recorded and posted the video. Even if you deliver a webinar, typically only half of registrants attend live.
That means you can’t rely on live interaction for business success.
Instead, you have to identify ways the viewers can engage with you after you are done recording.
Audience engagement is one of the most critical elements of a powerful presentation. This means you have to be very intentional about crafting your signature speech with a powerful call to action that they are excited to dive into. Once you master this part of your signature speech, you can enroll 1-3 clients every time you speak.
Breathe. In this article, you learned why public speaking is the most powerful way to market your business and book more clients. You also learned how a single signature speech can help you grow your audience, impact and reach. If you struggle with signing coaching clients or growing your client base, get a breath of fresh A.I.R. through public speaking.
Jenn Espinosa-Goswami, ACC, MAL is an ICF-certified public speaking coach and Founder of Weightless LLC. A former Toastmasters International officer and graduate of the Masters of Leadership program at Augsburg University, Jenn helps entrepreneurs speak more clearly, consistently and confidently on stage or camera and get paid for their expertise. Over the past 10 years, Jenn has presented to thousands of executives and entrepreneurs, and was recognized by Influence Digest as top 15 coaches in Minneapolis. Prior to starting her company, Jenn served as a certified fraud examiner for 16 years within Fortune 500 financial companies. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband of 20 years, two daughters, and feisty Chiweenie.
Download the (free) Signature Speech template:
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